B2B Ecommerce Solutions for Manufacturers: Your Comprehensive Guide

by | Sep 21, 2023

B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers

B2B Ecommerce Solutions for Manufacturers: Your Comprehensive Guide

Sir Tim Berners-Lee paved the way for the digital age with the World Wide Web. The Wright Brothers took humanity to the skies, revolutionizing travel. In today’s fast-paced world, giants like Apple and Tesla are redefining how we communicate and commute.  Such game-changers have always propelled industries into uncharted territories, ushering in waves of innovation and growth.

However, amidst this whirlwind of advancements, some B2B manufacturers remain anchored to age-old methods, seemingly unaware of the digital revolution beckoning them. Modern B2B customers demand online interactions that mirror their B2C experiences.

Enter the world of B2B ecommerce for manufacturers.

Manufacturers that convert raw materials into products play a crucial role in the supply chain, linking themselves to retailers, wholesalers, and distributors. B2B ecommerce must be tailored to these manufacturers to meet their unique business needs, help them streamline their operations, and become more efficient.

A recent 2022 study by McKinsey highlighted that over 70% of global manufacturers consider adopting digital sales and marketing strategies as their top priority for the coming years. If you want to lead the pack in this evolving landscape, this article will help you understand the importance of ecommerce for manufacturers – highlighting customer preferences and expectations and the strategies needed to lead in the digital commerce realm.

Are you a manufacturer looking to thrive in today’s digital age? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive guide will explore the world of B2B ecommerce platforms and how they can revolutionize your business. Whether you’re a seasoned player in the manufacturing industry or just starting, this article is worth reading to unlock the potential of B2B ecommerce for manufacturers.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers?
  2. Why Should Manufacturers Embrace Ecommerce?
  3. Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform
  4. Key Features of B2B Ecommerce Platforms
  5. Enhancing Customer Experience in B2B Ecommerce
  6. B2B vs. B2C Ecommerce: What’s the Difference?
  7. Implementing a B2B Ecommerce Strategy
  8. The Benefits of B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers
  9. Transforming B2B Ecommerce Case Study
  10. Aleran: Revolutionizing B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers


1. What is B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers?

Before we dive into the details, let’s define what B2B ecommerce means for manufacturers. B2B ecommerce, short for business-to-business ecommerce, is the process of buying and selling goods or services between businesses online. In the context of manufacturers, it involves manufacturers engaging with distributors, wholesalers, and other businesses through digital commerce platforms.

B2B ecommerce platforms enable manufacturers to create an online presence, showcase their products, and facilitate seamless transactions with their business partners.

Manufacturers often wonder about the relevance and benefits of B2B ecommerce. So, let’s dive deeper into why embracing ecommerce is essential for the manufacturing industry.

2. Why Should Manufacturers Embrace Ecommerce?

The manufacturing industry has typically relied on traditional sales channels, but there are compelling reasons why manufacturers should embrace ecommerce:

Expanded Reach: Ecommerce allows manufacturers to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical barriers.

Efficiency and Cost Savings: Streamlining sales processes and reducing manual tasks can save significant costs.

Improved Customer Experience: Ecommerce platforms offer a user-friendly experience, making it easier for buyers to place orders and access product information.

Data-Driven Insights: Ecommerce platforms provide valuable data and analytics to help manufacturers make informed decisions.

In the next section, we’ll explore the critical step of choosing the right B2B ecommerce platform tailored to manufacturers.

3. Choosing the Right B2B Ecommerce Platform

Selecting the ideal B2B ecommerce platform is more than just a task on your to-do list; it’s a critical decision that will significantly impact your business’s future. Choosing wisely can catapult you ahead of your competitors, while a poor choice can lead to inefficiencies, frustrated customers, and lost opportunities. So, how can you make an informed choice? Let’s explore further.

Scalability: Planning for Growth

Your platform should grow with you. As your business expands, you’ll need to add more products, serve more customers, and possibly integrate with additional third-party services. Look for a platform that can effortlessly scale to meet your future needs, whether handling increased traffic or integrating with other software.

Customization Options: Tailoring to Your Needs

Every manufacturer is different. Whether it’s the way you manage inventory or how you engage with customers, your ecommerce platform should offer robust customization options. This enables you to tailor the user interface, user experience, and other features to your specific requirements.

Integration Capabilities: Seamless Connectivity

Manufacturers often rely on a multitude of software solutions for different aspects of their business, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and SCM (Supply Chain Management). Your ecommerce platform should easily integrate with these systems to provide a unified business view. Check for pre-built integrations or an open API allowing custom connections.

Industry-Specific Features: A Niche Focus

A platform designed with manufacturers in mind will come equipped with industry-specific features like bulk ordering capabilities, tiered pricing models, and comprehensive product customization options. These can offer significant advantages over more general ecommerce platforms.

Pricing: Budget and ROI

While opting for the cheapest option may be tempting, consider the return on investment (ROI) instead. A platform that may be slightly more expensive but offers extensive features, scalability, and excellent customer support can provide a much better ROI in the long run.

Security and Compliance: Non-Negotiables

Given the sensitive nature of B2B transactions, robust security features are non-negotiable. Ensure the platform adheres to industry-standard security protocols and compliances, like SSL certificates and data encryption. This protects both you and your customers from cyber threats.

Vendor Reputation and Customer Support: The Human Factor

Finally, scrutinize the vendor’s reputation in the market. Read reviews, ask for references, and perhaps request a case study where the platform has solved problems for businesses similar to yours. Excellent customer support can be a lifesaver, especially during the implementation phase and as you scale.

Trial and Testing: A Pilot Run

Many platforms offer trial periods or demo versions. Take advantage of this to perform a ‘test run,’ which can help you understand how well the platform aligns with your needs before committing.

By taking a structured approach to evaluating potential B2B ecommerce platforms, you’re better positioned to select a solution that meets your current needs and scales with your future ambitions. Keep these considerations in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to making an investment that pays off in the long run.

4. Key Features of B2B Ecommerce Platforms

When evaluating B2B ecommerce platforms, it’s not just about features—understanding the landscape and emerging trends can add valuable context. For instance, the B2B ecommerce market in the United States, especially in the manufacturing and wholesale sectors, is on the rise, echoing global trends like Asia’s 80% market share.

Inventory Management: The Backbone of Supply Chain

Real-time inventory tracking is more crucial than ever, particularly when online channels now constitute nearly 70% of all shipments in the manufacturing sector.

Look for:

  • Real-time Inventory Tracking
  • Automated Reordering
  • Multiple Warehouse Support

Order Processing: Efficiency is Currency

With the value of online wholesale trade in the United States surpassing $375 billion U.S. dollars, efficient order processing is essential.

Key features must include:

  • Order Automation: An essential feature, especially when EDI is critical in facilitating B2B transactions for U.S. manufacturers.
  • Bulk Ordering: A feature gaining relevance as the U.S. market’s e-commerce value in durable goods wholesale sees significant increases.
  • Order Tracking: Transparency in order tracking can provide a competitive edge.

Customer Management: The Relational Economy

Given the uptick in B2B buyers using online stores due to the COVID-19 pandemic, customer management tools can enhance relationships and secure sales.

These should allow you to:

  • Segment Customers: Useful for targeted marketing, especially when trends show increasing customization of the purchasing experience.
  • Offer Personalized Pricing: Personalization is a B2C strategy increasingly implemented in B2B.

Integration Capabilities: No Silos, Just Solutions

Manufacturers often operate with multiple software solutions. The seamless integration of these systems is essential. As B2B sellers in the United States invest in various areas to enhance their ecommerce capabilities, ensure your platform can integrate with the following:

  • ERP and CRM Systems: Salesforce.com, a prominent player in B2B ecommerce, is often a go-to for CRM solutions.
  • Payment Gateways: An essential feature, given the vast and growing market size.

Analytics and Reporting: Make Data Your Compass

With the B2B ecommerce landscape growing and evolving, your decision-making should be data-driven. Analyzing B2B buyers’ attitudes and shopping behavior can offer valuable insights, which is where robust analytics and reporting features come in handy.

5. Enhancing Customer Experience in B2B Ecommerce

Customer experience in B2B ecommerce goes beyond user interfaces and customer service; it’s about fully understanding and meeting the unique needs of B2B buyers. In an environment where vendors increasingly implement B2C-like services such as efficient customer service and personalization, setting yourself apart can be a game-changer.

Website Usability: More than Just Aesthetic

The goal here is not just a beautiful website but a functional one, especially when industry trends highlight the rise of B2B online store usage. A study by Salesforce.com found that user-friendly design contributes to higher conversion rates. Consider the following:

  • Intuitive Search Features: Advanced search options and filters can streamline product discovery.
  • Clear Product Categorization: Well-structured product information minimizes the time needed to make purchase decisions.
  • Responsive Design: With the increasing use of mobile devices in B2B transactions, a mobile-optimized site is non-negotiable.

Personalized Product Recommendations: Smart Selling

A one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it in an industry where customization is a growing trend. According to Statista, personalization can lead to a 19% increase in sales. Features you should look for:

  • AI-Driven Recommendations: Use machine learning to suggest products based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Cross-Selling and Up-Selling: Leverage these techniques to maximize the value of each transaction.

Responsive Customer Support: The Pillar of Trust

The COVID-19 pandemic has escalated the importance of robust customer support as buyers increasingly purchase online. Implementing multi-channel support can lead to a 9% increase in annual revenue, according to a report by Aberdeen Group. Key elements include:

  • Live Chat: Instant support builds confidence and can significantly reduce cart abandonment.
  • Email and Phone Support: Multiple channels mean customers can reach out in the way most convenient to them.
  • Self-Service Options: Empower your customers with a robust FAQ section and an online knowledge base. This improves the user experience and reduces the burden on your support staff.

A Seamless Customer Journey

It’s worth noting that the ultimate goal is to create a seamless customer journey from discovery to post-purchase support. Analyze every touchpoint, continuously gather feedback, and be willing to adapt. This agile approach ensures you meet and exceed your B2B customers’ expectations, setting the stage for long-term partnerships.

By adopting these principles and keeping a pulse on emerging industry trends, you’ll be well-positioned to offer an exceptional B2B ecommerce experience that retains customers and turns them into advocates for your brand.

6. B2B vs. B2C Ecommerce: What’s the Difference?

Although B2B and B2C ecommerce trends share similarities, some key differences exist. Understanding these disparities is critical, especially as Statista highlights the steep growth in B2B ecommerce, particularly in the manufacturing and wholesale segments.

Buying Process Complexity: A Layered Equation

In B2C, purchases are usually straightforward and completed on a single visit. B2B is different:

  • Sales Cycles: B2B sales cycles are often longer, sometimes spanning weeks or months.
  • Decision-Makers: Multiple stakeholders are usually involved, each with unique needs and questions.
  • Custom Orders: From custom shipping to specialized bulk orders, B2B transactions can be complex.

The takeaway? To address these complexities, B2B ecommerce platforms need functionalities like saved carts, quotation management, and multi-tiered approvals.

Relationship Building: A Marathon, Not a Sprint

  • B2C: Often transactional and driven by consumer needs at the moment.
  • B2B: Focused on long-term relationships.

In a B2B setting, customer retention is vital. Salesforce.com studies show that 80% of your future profits will come from just 20% of your existing customers. Effective relationship management tools and options for personalized customer portals can go a long way.

Pricing Structure: The Art of the Deal

The days of fixed pricing are over in the B2B world. You have:

  • Negotiated Prices: Custom pricing for long-term contracts.
  • Volume Discounts: Reduced prices for bulk orders.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Prices change based on inventory levels, lead time, and customer profile.

Such complexity demands a flexible pricing engine, allowing for rules-based pricing tailored to specific customer segments or individual customers.

Product Information: From Features to Blueprints

While B2C customers may be content with basic product details, B2B customers often require technical specifications, CAD drawings, or regulatory certifications. This is especially relevant in sectors like manufacturing, where nearly 70% of all shipments are now online, and in-depth product information can make or break a sale.

Payment Options: Beyond the Shopping Cart

B2B transactions often involve purchase orders, credit terms, and sometimes even milestone-based payments. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standard feature to manage these transactions. Also, you’ll want a system that can handle multiple types of payments and integrate directly into your accounting software for seamless financial management.

By fully grasping these inherent differences between B2B and B2C ecommerce, manufacturers can more effectively strategize, implement functionalities, and ultimately succeed in the evolving digital landscape.

7. Implementing a B2B Ecommerce Strategy

To stay ahead in the digital game, it’s not just about implementing B2B ecommerce but doing it right. The rise of B2B ecommerce, particularly in the manufacturing and wholesale sectors, makes a compelling case for developing a targeted strategy.

Here’s how:

Marketing: More Than Just Buzzwords

  • Digital Marketing: In a digital-first world, you can’t afford to neglect your online presence. Use SEO-optimized content, PPC campaigns, and social media to boost your visibility.
  • Targeted Outreach: B2B buyers are specific in their needs. Tailor your email marketing and retargeting campaigns to address their unique pain points.
  • Industry Thought Leadership: Establish your brand as a thought leader by providing insightful content like whitepapers, case studies, or webinars.

Remember, B2B buyers are increasingly doing business online, accelerated further by the COVID-19 pandemic. Your digital marketing strategy should align with this change.

Sales Channels: Diversify to Multiply

  • Ecommerce Website: This is your primary sales channel; ensure it’s optimized for conversions.
  • Marketplaces: Consider listing on generalist B2B marketplaces like Alibaba or specialized ones in your industry.
  • Mobile App: With Asia accounting for approximately 80% of the global B2B ecommerce market, a mobile app can effectively reach a broader audience.

Since online channels now make up nearly 70% of all shipments in the manufacturing sector, leveraging multiple sales channels can diversify your risk and increase your reach.

Customer Retention: The Underrated Revenue Engine

  • Loyalty Programs: Reward your best customers to encourage repeat business.
  • Personalized Service: Use data analytics to offer personalized recommendations and deals.

The value of retaining existing customers can’t be overstated, with Salesforce.com pointing out that a significant portion of future profits comes from existing customers.

Data Analytics: The Spine of Your Strategy

  • Customer Behavior: Understand what your customers are looking for, how they navigate your website, and what persuades them to convert.
  • Sales Trends: Track which products are hot sellers and which need more marketing muscle.
  • Inventory Management: Use data to maintain optimum inventory levels, a must in an industry where online trade has soared; for instance, in the U.S., the value of grocery products in online wholesale trade has exceeded $375 billion U.S. dollars.

According to McKinsey, data-driven decisions could translate into significant revenue since 35% of B2B buyers said they’d spend half a million or more in a single transaction.

By holistically approaching these four pillars—Marketing, Sales Channels, Customer Retention, and Data Analytics—you can construct a robust B2B ecommerce strategy capable of weathering and thriving in today’s dynamic market landscape.

8. The Benefits of B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturers

Diving into B2B ecommerce offers manufacturers various benefits that can significantly impact their operations and bottom line. As the data suggest, the future of B2B ecommerce is promising and poised for substantial growth. According to Forrester, B2B e-commerce is projected to reach $3 trillion in the US by 2027, up from $1.7 trillion in 2021, signaling immense growth potential.

Let’s explore some of these advantages considering some compelling statistics:

  1. Increased Sales: B2B ecommerce platforms open new avenues for reaching customers globally, leading to increased sales opportunities. Statista estimates that 17% of B2B sales will be generated digitally in 2023, up from 13% in 2019. Manufacturers can attract a broader customer base with a well-designed online store and facilitate seamless transactions.
  1. Cost Savings: Transitioning to digital commerce can lead to significant cost savings. Offline B2B sales are expected to remain flat, underlining the importance of investing in online channels. Manufacturers can reduce overhead costs associated with physical stores, paper-based processes, and manual order processing. Automation also streamlines operations, reducing the need for extensive manual labor.
  1. Enhanced Customer Relationships: Gartner survey in late 2021 showed that 83% of B2B buyers prefer placing orders or paying for goods through digital channels. B2B ecommerce platforms allow manufacturers to provide personalized experiences to their customers. By analyzing customer data and behaviors, manufacturers can tailor product recommendations, pricing, and promotions, fostering more robust customer relationships and encouraging repeat business.
  1. Efficient Order Management: Gartner predicts that by 2025, 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers will occur in digital channels. With a robust B2B ecommerce platform, order management becomes efficient and error-free. Features like automated order processing, real-time inventory updates, and tracking ensure seamless transactions and minimize order discrepancies.
  1. Data-Driven Insights: B2B ecommerce platforms generate valuable data and analytics. A McKinsey & Company B2B sales study reveals that B2B customers now regularly use ten or more channels to engage with suppliers, up from five in 2016. Manufacturers can gain insights into customer behavior, popular products, and sales trends, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  1. 24/7 Accessibility: An online presence means that manufacturers are accessible to customers around the clock. B2B customers, often managing their businesses at all hours, appreciate the convenience of placing orders and accessing information whenever needed.
  1. Scalability: Manufacturers can scale their operations more easily with B2B ecommerce. As a business grows, it can expand its product catalog, add new features, and cater to a more extensive customer base without significant physical infrastructure investments.
  1. Competitive Edge: Embracing B2B ecommerce gives manufacturers a competitive edge. Those who adapt to the digital landscape stay ahead of competitors who are slower to adopt ecommerce solutions. Being digitally agile positions manufacturers as industry leaders.
  1. Streamlined Inventory Management: B2B ecommerce platforms typically include robust inventory management features. Manufacturers can monitor stock levels in real time, preventing overstocking or understocking issues. This precision in inventory management reduces costs and ensures products are readily available.
  1. Access to Global Markets: According to the McKinsey study, ample opportunities exist for remote or online sales channels: 35% of B2B buyers said they’d spend half a million or more in a single transaction. B2B ecommerce platforms enable manufacturers to reach global markets, establishing their brand internationally. This expanded reach can lead to increased sales and growth opportunities.

9. Transforming B2B Ecommerce Case Study

To better understand the transformative potential of B2B ecommerce, let’s delve into an actual real-world example.

The Customer

A large supermarket chain with over 1,000 retail food supermarkets across the Southern United States acts as a distributor for all its stores.

The Challenge

The supermarket faced several challenges, including:

  • A cumbersome, outdated ordering process that relied on paper catalogs.
  • A lack of visibility into order details and status.
  • Cybersecurity vulnerabilities due to the need for open communication with numerous vendors.

This inefficient system led to lost sales due to stock-outs and a feeling among store managers and buyers that the lack of a centralized marketplace was harming both efficiency and revenue.

The Solution

The supermarket engaged with Aleran to create a multi-vendor, B2B buying portal. This solution:

  • Centralized the replenishment ordering process.
  • Allowed vendors to sell into one location, reducing costs.
  • Streamlined sales order management, offering greater visibility into inventory and order details.
  • Improved cybersecurity by instituting a single, secure ordering system.

The Outcome

The introduction of the B2B ecommerce platform revolutionized how the supermarket operated. Store managers and buyers now have a one-stop shop for all their needs, improving efficiency and reducing costs. The platform’s integrated, single sign-on eliminated the need for multiple passwords, and its intuitive interface meant that new vendor onboarding could occur without intensive training.

This case study underlines the massive potential for operational efficiency, cost reduction, and sales growth that a B2B ecommerce platform can bring to even a large, established business.

10. Elevate Your B2B Ecommerce for Manufacturing with Aleran

In the dynamic realm of B2B ecommerce, manufacturers face many challenges. Adapting to this digital shift demands a partner attuned to their distinct requirements — enter Aleran, an innovation leader in the B2B ecommerce space. Through its state-of-the-art Unified Commerce Platform, Aleran empowers manufacturers to leap into the digital future with confidence.

Aleran’s platform stands out in several ways. It simplifies online sales and redefines the sales order management process, ensuring manufacturers can provide an unparalleled buying experience. Whether you’re a budding startup or an industry giant, Aleran’s flexible, scalable, and customizable solutions have you covered. Its adaptability extends to diverse sales teams, from in-house squads to remote reps, ensuring no stone is left unturned in sales optimization.

For manufacturers, efficiency is paramount, and Aleran gets that. By consolidating account management, order processing, and data channels into one hub it accelerates sales efforts and slashes admin overheads. The result? An uplifted sales team that can focus on fostering relationships and driving conversions, boosted by Aleran’s user-centric tools for lightning-fast order processing and intricate B2B transactions.

Additionally, personalization lies at the heart of the modern B2B ecommerce experience. Recognizing this, Aleran’s platform dives deep into customer analytics to deliver tailored product suggestions, competitive pricing, and targeted promotions. With faster time-to-market and comprehensive security features, Aleran ensures that manufacturers can swiftly and safely meet the demands of the digital age.

Manufacturers embracing Aleran have witnessed transformative results, from spiking sales figures to streamlined operations. As we delve into this era of digital commerce, a robust online presence isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. With Aleran’s suite of customization options, manufacturers can effortlessly align their online identity with their brand ethos.

So, if you’re seeking a B2B-centric ecommerce solution that resonates with your manufacturing needs, the answer is clear: Aleran. Ready to take the next step? Let’s embark on this digital journey together. Reach out now to book a personalized one-on-one demo with Aleran and witness firsthand the transformative power of a dedicated B2B ecommerce platform.


About Aleran

Aleran’s unified digital commerce platform is built to meet B2B buyer expectations so manufacturers can quickly, easily and efficiently accelerate and transform sales.

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