ROI Calculator

ROI Calculator

Calculate your potential ROI with Aleran. Start by answering the short questions below and see how quickly and significantly you could see results – from increased sales, lowered costs and a return on investment.
What percentage of your overall annual sales volume is done online, via eCommerce Percentage of Annual eCommerce Sales
The number of personnel who are part of your process of selling to your customers – entering and reviewing quotes & orders, answering customer inquiries, etc. Number of Individuals Managing and Processing Sales Orders
Approximate value for overall company sales in your selected currency. This information is important for correlating the overall impact. Current Sales Revenue
This information is used to personalize your results to your region. Your HQ Region
ROI with Aleran
___ _ USD
your first year
Increased Sales
___ _ USD
your first year
Cost Savings
___ _ USD
your first year
Positive ROI
__ mo. or less
Compared to manual process

Your report is almost here

Just add a few more details and you are ready to download it

First Name
Last Name
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